
What is EKFI

EKFI is an exchange platform for the exchange of learning materials and research reports and other information that can be used by the target groups: vocational and higher education, SMEs, sector organizations, others in the creative industry. It is a web-based application with a database of existing learning/research materials (from various sources).
You can also develop learning materials independently or in a team, supported by tools on the platform (see CREATE button).

Encourage exchange within the EU

The platform has been developed to stimulate the exchange of educational resources and research between institutes within a country and between (EU) countries. The system allows the material to be exchanged without monetary payment. This allows savings on the development of new learning materials.

Enrich Existing material

Existing learning material can be enriched with new material or new insights. The learning resources can then be used for a new purpose. In addition, users of the platform can have their material assessed by other users (peer review). The material can also be translated to make it available in more languages.

Upload and download material

This database is filled by uploading learning materials and other materials. Uploading can be accessed via the button: Upload. First, you describe these learning/research materials to meet educational standards/formats to meet entry requirements. Then you upload the material. The Search button allows the user to search for the required learning/research module(s).
You can download the material with which you redeem the collected points via the button: Get material and then select Download.

The why of EKFI

The EKFI platform makes existing learning/research material transparent.

  1. In countries where there are fewer resources for development, they can use learning resources developed by institutes further innovating. In countries where certain techniques have disappeared, and therefore also the training for them, you can use learning resources that are still available in other countries.
  2. Uploaded learning resources can be improved or supplemented by the knowledge of teachers/developers who have downloaded the learning resources (and later uploaded them again).
  3. The material can be translated for countries where it is not yet available.
  4. Collaborating in developing and therefore bundling the competencies of the various participants can result in efficiency and quality improvement.
  5. By working together to develop materials, the developers strengthen each other by joining different forces. A well-known saying applies here: alone you go faster, together you go further.

Why working with points (ekfi's)

If you upload learning material or other material on the platform, you will earn so-called "Ekfis". You can redeem these if you want to download material. If you don’t upload material and want to download material from the database of the platform, you can earn “Ekfi’s” for actions on the platform.

How to earn Ekfi’s?

Mutation Action
+100 Become member
+100 Publish material
+20 Each time your material is downloaded for the first time by an user
+10 Add comment/rating after download
-20 Each time you download new material not previously purchased
-100 Retract material